Creating Your Change in the “best way”


Most of us like when things are going the ” way we want them to go”. Since life flows better for us. If we do not see this change then we stop in our tracks and try to change those who are not in the same frame of mind. If they don’t change then, we tend to get upset angry and frustrated. This is normal human behavior. Change is a constant. It will always happen. Even when we think someone is on ” auto pilot” change will take place.

There are those who do change for others. But that is really a form of control. To be controlled by someone else to become something they want you to be. Now sometimes this can be a good thing, but not all the time. If this happens you or the person within this change will start to feel resentment. And eventually, things will fall apart. Our spiritual journey is very unique, it is our own. And ONLY God has privy to our inner guidance system and our thoughts.

It is normal in any relationship to desire change. To have our partners move in the same direction. The Best way to do it is through kind and loving communication. Something that allows the other person to thing to agree or to disagree and then you and I can choose to accept or not. But end the situation with kindness felt from within.

This way, we allow others to be who they are. Not always  is this possible but try to make it happen as often as you can and you will find a great sense of peace.

In my teachings, my clients and I venture to find this path of common ground. Sometimes it is possible and other times it is not. I specialize in relationship guidance. I can see others feelings and intent and even though they may be in a flux within a reasonable space of time I am able to see the direction they head. This helps my client to understand and handle the situation to the best of their ability and we work on getting tools of action and direction.

Our sessions also work on the inner workings of the soul. Many clients come to me seeking their own inner understanding. We are such complexed spirits. Sometimes we need to understand ourselves. It is sometimes driven by our direction of thought, or some shadow of our past and even a past life experience. Raising its head.

In all these things the best way to handle it is through kind thoughts and a feeling of inner peace and love. Not everything can be solved with this energy. Sometimes we will inevitably feel anxious or worried or just unrested. This happens with change . For our spirit changes and so it causes it to be so. All this is good. Never bad. So let us today look at the cup that is half full and not the cup that is half empty.

I am here today to help you implement the power of change.

May you find peace and good will within your heart today.

Sincerely yours

Dilani Diva.
Call now for Guidance ad Help from our angels.