Your Energy of the Week !!!!!


Energy of the Week

Life too has many many ways of giving us doorways and opportunities. Such is the week coming. It is a time to let go of your past. If there are those who have wronged you. Forgive them. The burden will be too much for you to bare if you chose to reminisce. You will end up with a permanent migraine … who needs that. !!!! Life is too short.

The universal spirit and your dear angels will open the door for new adventures. You will notice this coming your way the minute you say.. “I know this to be true what ever you have done to me I am strong enough to move forward and I am now.”

Your pathway to new discoveries will then be…. A m a z i n g !!!!!

Your body too is on it;s way to growing. It is ready to be fed. So make sure that you munch on some good protein this week. hustle that muscle… yha yha… There are many who say that meat is not a very good thing.. Well I don’t see it that way. Eat it in moderation with a dab of fish and chicken and you are well fortified… Remember that this earth and its fruits are meant to be enjoyed. Not to be endured… Such is your body too. To be enjoyed and not to be ENDURED… So treat it with love and joy .. not as something that is a chore… oh no… :)

Your spirit is going to be on fire… it will rise to the occasion. Your connection to your higher power and to God will have a chance to renew it self.. However… Don’t be has to judge… for that thought may cross your mind many times over… So be aware of the judging mind … do not let it confine you :)

all in all though a few dangers are lurking around us the week is heavenly.. Lets chose that path of growing learning and knowing. May your angels keep you safe till we speak again.

Namaste. Dilani