The Rising.


All that will be – will stem from The Heart  and The Mind –

Dilani Diva


It saddens me to see such mayhem of the world. How many of us embrace that anger that lurks within the mind . Such a waste of the gift of time and life. After I heard about yesterdays bombing I have been in a rather pensive mood.

I wonder why people chose to let their heads get so steamed up with nonsensical thoughts,and actions.Why we as humans dwell so much with death and destruction. It is almost as if God wasted his time creating such a beautiful earth. Why are we so foolish, to ignore our blessings ? It is always such a quandary to me…. !!!!

Yes, the world has its many layer’s of people . Each of us have a true purpose, if we chose to see this and yet…

We seem to be angry. Angry that our friends who do better than us: or Angry that God has not helped us, with more blessings…. angry at this and angry at that… and willfully hurting others in the rush. The realization of this fact saddens me so.

Many of them don’t realize that they are creating ” their own hell, on earth”

Yes, believe it or not . Living in such a tormented mind is a living hell. To me hell and heaven can visit us on a daily basis.

It is not apart from us. It is a PART of US. Just as God is… we tend to try  make heaven and hell away from who and what we are. We try to say.. we will each go to hell and heaven in the life after… but it is here now.. living breathing in this moment.

We can make our heaven. Starting by being at peace. Being at rest. Finding that moment to feel our bodies. To love ourselves and thereby …. love our God.

I am thinking today  Of those who rejoice in the hurt and pain of others.  What a sad existence for such minds… !!!! Such mindless matter.Such wasted lives. All causes that do not stem from the seed of love are causes that need not be. Or so I feel.

We are all accountable for each moment we spend. Let us be mindful of our minds and our hearts. Love  begins there. The surreal life begins there Not just for chosen people. But for all. For we are indeed ALL God’s Children.

I pray that words of truth be heard in these unloving minds. and  for those who are riding the waves of anger, I pray that they  reach more peaceful waters.

Yes man hides behind his ego, Seeking solace in it’s shadow. For we cannot seem to take responsibility for mindlessness. The ego mind needs attention !!!! It needs to be recognized. All this comes from a low self esteem.To rise higher that those around us. We do not realize that seeking vengeance, only kills the true heart of God that lies within us. But we also have the choice to change and that to me is powerful. I pray for such change. I ask our maker this in great humility.

Let us get to that calm bit of water. and begin to truly feel who we really are. There is a saying that was one of my school moto’s and I am reminded of it today” United we stand, devided we fall” Hopefully, the human race will one day stand together, like the rest of creation and quench their thirst by the same fountain of life.


That is my dream and that is my prayer… and yes I am allowed to dream and so are you… and so..  Let us create a loving tomorrow and let it begin today.
