The True essence of “ Anger”

dilanidiva psychic - about anger. The emotion of anger lies in each of us. It permeates this world. Even nature has its days of rebelling. Anger is a self expression. Powerful and even sometimes painful. It has the energy of pushing out, and blazing like the dark embers of fire.
Like fire, anger can erode. It can pull down the trees of life and bring a forrest to its knees We have all experienced it… for some reason or another.

Like all powerful emotions if it is constantly aroused and it can truly be disruptive !!!! Not only can it hurt those around you . But also hurt the person experiencing it with such tenuous rage that he or she can eventually be burned out in body mind and in spirit.
Anger has a body all on its own. Just as we see other emotional bodies as pain or sadness this body can truly reach with great violence.

However like all things in creation. Anger has it proper place. It is a huge threshold of stress release. Most people enduring anger do not even think of what they say.. they just let others have it.
Most times it is a related emotion. It does not stand by it self, and for myself I work with my clients to see where the root of this energy body lies and how to handle it.

Most times it is best to let the person who is having this emotion let it out.. and most time it is best to let the person say their piece.You may not agree with them. However if you are the calmer one. then it is better to let the anger fall on the universe and try not to take what the other said too personally.
It is best to wait till they calm down to have a meaningful conversation ( or not )

Anger is not a bad thing. It can help one to be assertive . and if it is allowed to pass through your system like a hot flash .. then it is better to let it out and let it go than to have the inner stress build up inside you.
Sometimes you may not be in a position to share this anger. Say its your boss and you do need to let them “ have it” at the price of loosing your job. Well be smart. Most times the boss is always right . And in such a situation protect your own power of peace and then talk to someone about how you felt towards this person. try to let your thoughts be known.

If you do not have a counselor then just just journal it out. Its best to release the need of self expression. It will help to heal the pain and release and toxin build up.
If you are feeling angry there are a few things you can do. Sweat it out. Drink water. eat cooling foods such as cucumber and melon.. do some deep deep breathing.Take a loooooong shower.

As all emotions go.This extreme emotion is best used in a short term moderate way.Try to dowse the fire that burns in your mind; and calm your thoughts to bring peace once again into your being . But recognize within you or without you that this is a form of self expression and one needs to take it with a tiny minute grain of salt . Listing to the issue is important but if you are not the partly experiencing the anger it is best to let it storm peter its self out. Don’t try to beat it with the same. Fire on fire will burn a village down. Being cool and calm like the water of the nile will help to vanquish the flame and restore balance.

I wish you all a day of peace and be a witness to your own emotions. Be the navigator of your “ feeling ship” and be grateful that you are riding it. May you be blessed.
Dilani Diva