That which comes to us




an excerpt from “THE GUEST HOUSE”
by Rumi

“The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
Meet them at the door- laughing,
…….and invite them in
Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent
As a Guide from Beyond.

During this time of the retrograde many of us are faced with contemplating our past . relationships that have had no closure, our own inner doubts and many other issues they all come dancing to the surface. It is indeed a tough time for most of us !!




Pain, though does shelter me,
Dampen my breaking heart
with non, but me to feel and see
Do I crash against the floor
or dart out that door
but I think I will linger on today
For love will surely come along this restless way.
To stay.

But it is also a time to be of great courage.
For we are creatures that will feel,
we will experience,
we will endure
We are born to  into  this body for a reason
and all emotions have its life and flailing season.
Be not afraid of what we feel
For in it lies the learning
That is our souls point of turning
From the darkening
to an eternal awakening.

Dilani Diva

An emotion sometimes cannot be thwarted. It is there. One cannot ignore it.
However, we can receive our emotions with a smile. Invite them in. work through them and learn how to handle that never ending mind chatter.
In the process of it all, we can forgive ourselves of our own bad thoughts. For each of us have wanted to hurt, who it is that hurt us. That is a human reaction. It is a natural thing to feel . For sometimes the pain is truly hard to bare … and we would like them to understand how we are feeling . To endure that which we endure…
Or maybe, we have to find peace and closure for ourselves. Sometimes it is the case. When our past does not offer us this peace, our spiritual side … will.

This is what I focus on and learn about in my daily walk with spirit. The abiding of that constant love. It is not easy. But I learn lovingly and with great awe, and in turn I share my thoughts and insights with you.
Many of you call me for psychic guidance, but some of you do talk with me about your path . For truly it is the path of your mind, your body and your spirit that will be the catalyst and the protagonist of your future.

I pray that the universe and God in his mercy will continue to allow me to walk in the path of spirit. For I too an not spared anger or malice. It comes to me too. Specially when someone has hurt me. But I am grateful that I can turn this into love and move on.
How may I help you today… ?
let me know.
I am here for you all weekend.

Dilani Diva