
Spiritual snippet Dilani Diva

Many of you call me with such sadness in your hearts. As a human experience this sadness is a part of our daily living. It is found in the fabric of our being. The hurting heart lays down it’s glory and does not raise it’s head to smile. There within it’s borders the greatest of love resides. Not glowing as it should be but hiding for a better day . A better time. In these times we who are in the land of hurt and self suffering do not hear the “voice of our spiritual family” or as some of us call it “Our guardian angels”

So it is important.. no imperative to take charge of that pain .. give it it’s due course to run.. but filter it out or our hearts. Today, to those who are going through such things.. I recommend talking to God. To ask for healing and blessings to remove this darkness and your prayer will be answered. However if you still dwell in anger or pity or constant hurt then God cannot help you.

To change the music of your soul
you have to change the channel of your heart…”

Yes God created day and night. To separate our times so that each new day we can rise from our ashes and feel love again. If you are going through such pain the best way to release it is think of you. The goodness that you have offered to those who you have loved. Do not look at their actions but only yours. and then you will start to raise your heart to a place that it can truly receive the blessings that it deserves.
Hold your spirit hands out for more blessings and trust that it will be given to you.
I leave you with such a prayer and a gentle thought to wonder and ponder.

Happy weekend Dilani Diva