“It is Powerful Indeed when we can truly be ourselves with another without the fear or judgment or the want of change coming more from their desire that what truly lies within ourselves.” – Dilani Diva
It is a wonderful privilege to be a friend and to have a friend. For we are all different and not always understood. To be able to share without reserve is a relief, and this is something I treasure with all my clients. To listen without judgment . So I can truly be a friend. For this I am so grateful. Thank you for sharing with me. I am blessed to know you.
Life is not easy and there is much diversity within its realms. But the day we start to enjoy this diversity and not try to control its breathing is the day that we can truly begin the joy of how powerful the difference is. And therefore begin to grow bigger from it within . Than be shattered by its nonconforming experience.
I thank diversity. For it I were ONLY to love what was me…. how could I grow to be bigger than me? Thank you for sharing your various rhythms, they have truly made me grow.
Namaste. Dilani Diva