Good Morning All

Banner Autumn 2
Nothing Ever last for ever.. but who wants it to anyway..!!!!

I have grown to love CHANGE !!! Without that all things will wither and all things will die. But knowing within out hearts that it is our spirit that grows and becomes and is.. this is powerful

For those who are enduring pain today.. don’t give up or give it . Even through pain new things of great profound beauty will arise.

I was singing this song called “Beautiful Dreamer” written by Stephan Foster.. many hundreds of years ago. This is one of his most beautiful works. He remember his past filled with great joy and hope and love. He does not like the world that he is living in now. But his spirit can draw from his past and feel the joy he felt then.
You can do that too.. think of Joy and think of something that you had or loved or enjoyed.. maybe it was you running on the beach when you were a child . This will bring about the feelings of peace and well being within you and today.. it will be the first step in your journey back to the ” new you” that is brand new..
If you need some spiritual chocolates.. or some other mind and spirit healing .. I am here for you. Visit my website or just get on the phone.

I look forward to helping you soon.


Dilani diva